his 14-day (217 km) journey begins at Drukgyel, Paro.  It takes you through the striking alpine meadows, high mountain passes and dense sub-tropical jungles before ending in Damji, Tashithang. The first five days of the trek will be along the same route as the Jomolhari Trek I, through Jigme Singye National Park, however, on the sixth day you will depart Lingshi for the camp site at Chebisa.

These places are safe area to many indigenous animals such as the blue sheep and Takin, the national animal of Bhutan. You will also travel through remote mountain villages inhabited by Layaps (people of Laya). Layaps are a distinct segment of the Bhutanese society with unique culture, traditions and appearance of their own. The trek also offers a day of relaxation at the famous Gasa hot springs.

Laya-Gasa Trek is one of the more difficult treks offered in Bhutan because of the high altitudes and steep climbing. This trek is better taken up in April-June and Mid September-Mid November.